Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Game of Thrones

I’ve never really been a big fan of fantasy genres purely because the books that I’ve selected in the past had been bulky reads with confusing plots that require a lot of focus...I’m a lazy reader what can I say. A Game of Thrones was something which my friends (Jacques and Remona, names MUST be mentioned as I truly credit them for introducing me to this book) were raving about and I thought that I’d give a shot at reading it and I’m so glad I did.
George R.R Martin’s A Game of Thrones is the first of seven novels in the award winning A Song of Ice and Fire series. The book is very character driven and is told from the perspective of each individual character featured mainly from the Stark family. The pacing is impressive and despite having many characters and multiple plots from different continents all happening at the same time, each new element was introduced well enough without confusion and definitely got me glued to its pages to find out what’s next.

My favourite character in the book is definitely Tyrion Lannister hands down; intelligent, sarcastic and funny with a psychical disability that adds more interest to his personality. I also love Jon’s character, Eddard Stark’s bastard son as well as his daughter Arya. The character I really dislike the most is Sansa, Eddard’s other daughter who has her head up in the clouds most of the time.

The epic fantasy is filled with political drama with a storyline filled with ill-suited kings, honourable knights, bad and deceitful advisors. It is a gripping and original read that kept me wanting to read all 800 pages of the book every minute of my waking hour (unfortunately I couldn’t because I DO have to work for a living damnit!)

I started the first 200 pages going back and forth in the book trying to remember who’s who but the introduction of characters and plots were smooth enough to understand and follow once you get further into the book. I have the second book A Clash of Kings on my TBR pile and hope to pick it up soon before I forget the storyline from A Game of Thrones, which is by the way an absolute MUST READ!


christina said...

This is good to know. I normally stay away from science fiction but this series might be an exception.

Tash said...

Yup you just must read it! But its a bit heavy about 800 pages long...

Unknown said...

Glad to read you liked it. Like you I am a soft spot for Tyrion. The first book is great, the second is close behind, and the third is simply awesome - Plots & twists get grand, and the character really evolve.

Otherwise, should you need help with the wedding preparation do feel free to buzz us - will be happy to lend a hand ;)

Anonymous said...

This has been on my to-read list for a while, but it's so long. Thanks for the review.

Hazellie said...

Totally agree with you! Tyrion is my no.1 fav character, Jon is my 2nd fav, and Arya, next!

Ooh, I gotta read the books again!

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