Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Finds, 27 February 2009

This week’s finds:
  1. The 39 Steps, John Buchan
  2. The Secret Scripture, Sebastian Barry
  3. The Help, Kathryn Stockett

Friday Finds is hosted by Should Be Reading.


Literature Crazy said...

I'd never heard of any of those books and clicked the link for 39 Steps (the cover was intriguing). Is that a historical fiction novel or is that set in present day?

Tash said...

Hi Heather, I stumbled upon the 39 steps in the bookstore last week. I'm still researching on the book so I don't know much about the book yet other than the fact that its a classic adventure novel which was first published in 1915.

You can also visit this site for more information,

I read the first few pages and liked it but didn't want to do another impulse buy at that point. I'm actually getting myself a copy this weekend because of the fact that its a classic spy novel. I also like penguin's book cover version and it'll look great on my bookshelf. :P

Jo-Jo said...

The Help caught my eye also...I will definitely have to read that one. I haven't heard of your others though. Thanks for sharing them.

jlshall said...

I think I read The 39 Steps years ago, but don't really remember it all that well. Loved the movie, though. Maybe it's time for a re-read. I've seen mixed reviews of The Secret Scripture.

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