Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rod Sterling's The Twilight Zone

I recently stumbled upon an illustrated series based on Rod Sterling’s The Twilight Zone. I grew up watching the Twilight Zone and decided to buy two of the Graphic Novel titles; The Odyssey of Flight 33 and The After Hours. Here’s a quick view of what each title is about:

The Odyssey of Flight 33
The graphic novel is set on a jet liner en route from London to New York. Just fifty minutes away from its destination, something happens and they are unable to communicate with air traffic control in JFK. They soon realize that they have been thrown back in time and thus stuck in the Twilight Zone.

The After Hours
Marsha White is browsing in a departmental store to purchase a gift for her mother. She is taken to the 18thth floor at the store. Distraught, Marsha faints and finds herself trapped in the departmental store after hours and the rest of the story could only be explained as the Twilight Zone experience... floor where she is attended by a sales woman who clearly knows who she is. After she purchased the gift, she realizes the gift is defected and complains to the management only to be informed that there is no 18.
The graphic novels are an adaptation from the original Twilight Zone TV series. Targeted to young adults, the novels are quite easy to read. The illustrations are kept simple and clean and have a good flow to it. Between the two titles, I preferred The After Hours, it had a bit more excitement, mystery and suspense to it.

I absolutely love this series of graphic novels and intend to collect the rest of the titles.

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