Sunday, January 18, 2009

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

This week has been a very taxing week for me. I’m not sure whether it’s the fact that I’m just too tired from work to concentrate or the fact that maybe the book just did not capture my interest but I just could not finish it at all. I read the words from the book but the meaning just flew past me. Anyway I decided to give the book up at The Mock Turtle’s Story chapter. I think I’m going through readers block... seriously...
Well sadly it’s my first unfinished book for the year. I’m not sure if I’ll pick up Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland again but from the little that I read and the little that I managed to absorb, I was very impressed with the quantity of imaginative characters and the many different situations that Alice seems to find herself in. I did however, liked the illustrations in the book.

I don’t think I deserve to write a review on the book since I didn’t finish it but I’d like to share an interesting website that I found dedicated to the book at Lenny’s Alice in Wonderland which has some great resources on the book. By the way, did you know that the book was once banned in China?
I also found another site with interactive games that is based on the book at Alice in Wonderland, An Interactive Adventure. If you fail to read a book, catch the movie or play the game...
Well, if you’ve read Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland and would like to share your review then please do send me your link.


Nely said...

I just recently purchased this myself. I'll have to try to read it myself. Thanks for the heads up.

Tash said...

Share your link once you've reviewed it ok? Cause I didn't get much out of the book obviously. :P

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