Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday Finds, 2 Jan 2009

I thought I’d be a bit more pro-active this year with my blogging efforts and have decided to join some of the blogging events going around in the blogosphere. I’ve decided to take part in Friday Finds which is hosted by Should be Reading. Good way to catalogue interesting books that I’ve found and may want to read in the future. I keep writing down interesting titles on pieces of paper and always end up losing them. So here’s my first Friday Finds for the year:

Books for the week:
Confessions of a Fallen Angel by Ronan O’Brien
For more details on the book, click here plus I also found a positive review on the book from Valentina’s Room.

You Suck by Christopher Moore
I found the title of this book interesting. Apparently it’s a funny read. For more information, you can check out Christopher Moore’s site. I also found a useful book review from The Plot Café on the book.

Yoga School Dropout by Lucy Edge
I thought this was an interesting book about an advertising executive (like me) who goes to India in search of spiritual tranquillity. Other similarities I may have to the character? I too am a yoga school dropout! Definitely reading this one this year… P.S I love the book design it’s so colourful and hippy like. Anyway, for more information visit Lucy Edge’s site.

P.S. If you have read and reviewed any of these books, please feel free to send me the link. I'd be more than happy to put it up for you. xox


Shana said...

Yoga School Dropout looks like fun.


Kathleen said...

I agree You Suck is a pretty interesting title. I've heard good things about Moore but haven't tried him yet. Welcome to Friday Finds.

Mine are here

Alice said...

I read one of Christopher Moore's book but unfortunately this author didn't work for me. I abandoned the book halfway through. I can't remember what title...

Tash said...

I came across quite mixed reviews for this book. Its either they like it or hate it. I guess I'll just have to read it myself to see if I'll like it. Thanks for sharing.

valentina said...

thanks for linking to my review!
Confessions is definitely a book to read, completely gripping, funny and totally heart-breaking!
but stay away if you mind swearing, because, being Irish, it's packed with them!

Tash said...

I bought the book already and will be reading it after I finish Life of Pi. I actually cant wait to read it!Don't mind the swearing, so no worries there. :P

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