Thursday, April 23, 2009

2009 Reading Challenges Updates

Okay. I am a realistic person and at the slow rate of reading that I’m currently doing, I probably won’t meet some of the challenges I signed up for but I’m keeping my fingers crossed anyway. I suppose I got over-excited seeing that I’m new to the reading community in the blogosphere and signed up for almost all the challenges I found through blogging.

The first challenge I signed up for this year was J. Kaye’s 100+ Reading Challenge which ends December 31, 2009. In my pre-blogging era, I’d manage to read about one book a week so that translates to maybe about 35 to 40 books a year, if I’m lucky. I was hoping to be able to read about 2 books a week but with my current job scope and the hectic schedule I keep, I’m back to my one book a week routine. So far, I’ve only managed to read a total of 22 books so realistically I don’t think I’d make 100 by December. I’d be happy if I can reach even half of that total this year. 

I also signed up for the TBR Challenge which also ends in December 2009. I still have high hopes for this challenge even though I’ve only read three out of the twelve books that I’ve listed. Then there’s the Themed Reading Challenge which I only realized ends this July! EEEEEkkkksssss... for some reason I kept thinking that it would end in December so I thought I would take my time reading the books I listed. I’ve listed four of Austen’s work that I haven’t read before and I’ve only managed Northanger Abbey so far so I still have three more books to go. I’m aiming to read at least one book a month from this list so I still have hopes that this challenge will end well for me.

One challenge that I could not resist signing up for was the 1% Well Read Challenge. I’m not sure if I’ll pull through this one despite the fact that half of the books I listed out are similar to the ones listed for the TBR Challenge and the Themed Reading Challenge. So far, I’ve only read two out of the ten listed. I won’t give up on this one yet since I still have till December to complete the list.
The only challenge that I’ve completed so far is the Once Upon A Time III Challenge and that’s because I signed up to only read ONE book. For this challenge, I read The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly and it’s one of the best books I’ve read this year. The other challenge that I am CONFIDENT I can accomplish is My Friend Amy’s Buy One Book and Read it Challenge. Like the previous challenge, I signed up to read only one book so if I fail this challenge it would just be too hilarious. 99.9% of the books I read are purchased anyway because library facilities in Malaysia are just not that great or convenient to visit. I’ve recently purchased and finished reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies so this means two challenges down, five more to go!
The most recent challenge that I signed up for is the Non-Fiction Five Challenge which runs from May to September. I’ve got a few books in mind already for this challenge starting from the first week of May.
There you go. In summary, I don’t think I can meet the 100+ Reading Challenge. The rest of the challenges, I’m still aiming to complete the best that I can. So now you know my reading challenge updates. How are your reading challenges coming along?


Amanda said...

Oh I think I've signed up for too many challenges :) But it's no stressing. I don't think I'll make the 100+ this year but I can try. And I am so struggling with the Egyptian challenge...Yacoubian Building is killing me! :)

umm ruman said...

Dear Natasha,

I have faith still you can succeed. Mine? I'm stuck somewhere as my family needs is greater than my personal leisure.

Tash said...

There's an Egyptian Challenge???? Wow... might check that out. Have always wanted to read books on Egypt...

Melody said...

These reading challenges are so addictive, aren't they? :P

Tash said...

I KNOWWWW! Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to meet most of the items.

Josette said...

I've signed up for more challenges than I can handle this year. And like you, I've only completed one challenge: Buy One Book & Read It Challenge! Bought one graphic novel and read it in an hour. :D

Anyways, all the best to you with your other challenges!

Beth F said...

I'm doing ok so far, but I know there will be challenges I fail. I have a couple that I haven't even started one. And -- like your one-book challenges -- one of mine is for only two books. I really can't fail that one!

I got a late start on my themed reading, but I read two for that this month.

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