Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Once Upon a Time III Challenge

Stainless Steel Droppings is hosting the Once Upon a Time III challenge which I thought I should participate in because ... well...

a) I seldom read anything from any of these categories: fantasy, folklore, fairytale and mythology. So I thought I should be a bit more adventurous this year and read something that I normally wouldn’t.
b) There is a selection of challenges that you can sign up for based on your own personal comfort levels, so this challenge offers the flexibility to read at my own pace and the opportunity to see what other people are reading out there.

What I also like about this challenge is that participants are encouraged ‘not to put upon yourself some artificial pressure by posting a list of the books you plan to read.’ Thank God for that!

So, for this challenge I will take part in The Journey:

‘This is really as simple as the name implies. It means you are participating, but not committing yourself to any specific number of books. All reading is a journey, perhaps none more so than reading fantastical fiction. By signing up for The Journey you are agreeing to at least read one book within one of the four categories during March 21st to June 29th period. Just one book. If you choose to read more, fantastic! If not, then we have still had the pleasure of your company during this three month journey and hopefully you have read a great book, met some interesting people, and enjoyed the various activities that occur during the challenge.’ 

I don’t know what I’m going to read yet for this challenge so I think I’ll snoop around the review site for a while before I decide on a book. So far there’s been a few interesting reviews like The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly as reviewed by Robin or the first book from the Inheritance series as reviewed by Claire.

Anyway, if you have any recommendations on a good book I should read within these genres do drop me a line.

XOX, Tash


Beth F said...

I've joined a lot of challenges, but I've decided to pass this one up. I have to stop somewhere!

Nely said...

I really, really, really want to do this challenge. I just don't think I can read the books before the deadline. I might do it anyway. :D

Good luck.

Carl V. Anderson said...

I am so thrilled that you are joining in! Not sure I've ever had anyone from KL in one of my challenges. Very cool!

I see you are reading Time Traveler's Wife now. Ah, what an amazing book. I envy you experiencing it for the first time.

I hope whatever you choose to read for the challenge ends up being a wonderful book.

The Budgeting Diva said...

This sounds like a fun challenge. also, just wanted you to know I have given you an award on my blog: http://albookworm.blogspot.com/2009/03/awards-or-i-have-wonderful-blogging.html

Tash said...

Beth/Nely - They have one challenge that requires you to read only one book, so its quite flexible.

Carl- I'm loving the Time Traveller's Wife! I can't seem to put it down!

Alabama Book Worm- Yeaaaaaaa! Thank you!!!!!

Alice said...

Have fun, Natasha!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Wanted to let you know that an award awaits here for you.

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